Saturday, May 31, 2008

Get Your Own Spot

I guess I will start with today...I have this friend Noel (I'm not actually using anyone's real name), and I would consider her to be my best friend. We don't hangout every single second or call each other every day or anything like that, we're just very close and have been through lots of events together. Noel is very social, everyone knows her, and she's very bubbly, friendly, and outgoing. And I, on the other hand, would call myself and introvert. I'm pretty shy, but once I'm comfortable around someone then I'm much more talkative and fun to be around. So anyways Noel and I, before the school year ended, planned out all of these things we wanted to do this summer. But then all of the sudden this other girl, Lily, steps in to the picture. Noel always wants to include every one and make them feel welcome and ya-da-ya-da-ya-da so Lily "had" to come along to all of these end of the year parties Noel and I went to. Before I know it Lily is apparently Noel's new best friend and they're inviting me to do things with them. And usually I don't care at all if Noel hangs out with other people, but this time it's different. It's like Lily took my spot. It's like she didn't create her own spot, she just took mine. And I hate drama and jealousy and all of that, but right now I'm really frusterated about it. Two days ago I called Noel to see if she wanted to hang out and she said ya sure I just have to run some errands with my mom first. Then later I get a text from her saying she just got done, but she had this other thing to go to and that she'd have to make a rain check for tomorrow. That was fine whatever, it wasn't that big of a deal. The next day I try to reach her on her phone and she won't answer, so I call her house and her mom says that she has her phone with her but it must be off or something. Today she texts me that she couldn't find her phone all yesterday and that she is so sorry, but we can hang out today. Since it's impossible for me to hold a grudge against someone and since she's leaving the country soon for a trip, I hung out with her today, but it felt weird the whole time. It felt like I was the friend she was just trying to include, it felt lame. By the time I got home though I forgot about the whole thing and felt like I was dumb to get mad at Lily. But then of course I look at Facebook, and Lily has posted a whole album of pics of her and Noel and their "exciting" day they had yesterday when I was supposed to hang out with Noel! Gosh I feel so dumb being so so mad about this, but having a best friend means a lot to me and I don't think it's right that Lily can just take that away from me so easily. Maybe I'm just being way to sensitive about the situation though. Maybe after Noel comes back from her trip everything will go back to the way it was...

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